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RLE Technical Workshop

We're excited that you'd like to join us for our October 2018 hands-on training session.  Training will span two days: Tuesday, October 23 and Wednesday, October 24.  Each day’s curriculum will be unique.  This workshop will be led by RLE's founder, Don Raymond, Ryan Clemens, our Senior Firmware Engineer, and Joe Schuetz, our Product Engineer.  All training will be held in Fort Collins, CO.  Fort Collins sits at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and is famous for its craft breweries - as well as being the home to RLE Technologies.

This training is an in-depth, technician-focused, workshop where trainees will practice hands-on tasks with live equipment, including configuration, set-up, troubleshooting, and introduction to protocol interfaces.  Intended trainees would be involved in the installation, start-up, and commissioning of RLE products.

This class is intended for current users of RLE products and/or those with basic leak detection and environmental monitoring experience.

Day 1 - Tuesday, October 23, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.:

  • Seahawk Product Training
  • Zone and Spot Detection Workshop
  • Protocols Overview
  • LD5200 Workshop
  • Dinner at a local Fort Collins restaurant

Day 2 - Wednesday, October 24, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.:

  • FMS Training and Workshop
  • WiNG Product Training and Demo
  • F200 Product Training and Demo
  • Tour of RLE Technologies and a stop at a local brewery

The cost for this training is $200, which includes all product training and breakfast and lunch both days, plus dinner Tuesday evening at one of Old Town Fort Collins' great restaurants. All attendees will also receive a complimentary shirt.

The registration deadline is Monday, October 1.  You will receive an email confirmation with additional details once you have registered, including payment instructions, lodging, and logistics.

For information on Old Town Fort Collins, please see https://downtownfortcollins.com/.

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