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At Triad, we know airflow.  It may seem a simple prospect – force cool air into the floor plenum, let it rise in front of the racks, cool the servers and IT equipment.  But we’ve been in hundreds of data centers around the world.  We know it’s not that simple.  And we know data center managers spend endless hours working to improve airflow and rack-specific cooling while minimizing facility cooling costs and energy usage.

Our engineers understand the scientific principles behind data center airflow management, and have worked to create and patent a portfolio of airflow management products that will efficiently maximize your existing airflow.

Turbulent Airflow Is Good Airflow

It’s not THAT your air’s moving.  It’s HOW your air is moving.  Airflow leaving the plenum space through some panels is laminar.  Laminar air flows in a straight line, and it flows at a much higher velocity than turbulent air.  That means much of the laminar flow tends to flow straight up and bypass the front of the rack.

To have the most efficient cooling, you want to create turbulence at the rack inlets.  When the airflow is turbulent, it is moving at a slower velocity and spreading out more, which in turn delivers more air to the front of the rack.

Our chamfer and slotted panels include patented stratification fins.  These fins are designed to create turbulent airflow, delivering more cooling to the racks, where you need it, and maximizing the use of your cooling resources.


Patents Power Our Results

The stratification fins direct air where you need it –

All chamfer and slotted panels include our patented stratification fins.  These fins allow you to direct the flow of air where you need it, eliminating hot spots and areas with poor air circulation.  The fins also provide increased upper server cooling, dropping upper – middle – lower server temperatures 5 to 15 degrees while lowering energy consumption in a matter of minutes.  Our patented technology delivers air right where you need it, and our customers definitely see the benefits in their facilities.

Integrated handles make lifting panels quick and easy  –

Our innovative, patented integrated handles were designed with data center employees in mind.  The handles allow you to quickly and easily lift floor panels without looking around for your panel lifters.  Once you replace the panel, the handles slide back into place, leaving your floorspace smooth and obstacle free.


We Love To Talk Airflow

Our best asset is our staff.  They are so knowledgeable about the data center space – they’re in them all the time – and they could literally write the book on airflow.  So give us a call.  We’d love to talk about your airflow issues and work with you to find the right solution for your facility.

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