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Cable Assembly Tools

RLE provides tools that allow you to construct your own conductive fluid sensing cable in any length and configuration for your application. These tools are intended for use with our conductive fluid sensing cable and include:

Cable Connector Kit

Cable grips, boots, shrink tubes, sockets, and pins for assembling sensing and non-sensing cable to the length and configuration required for your application.

Pin Crimper And Cable Stripper Tools

These tools expedite the cable construction process.

Contact Extractor

Remove cable pins from the cable connector, if, when assembling your own cable, you happened to install the connector improperly.

NOTE: Chemical sensing cable features different connectors than our conductive fluid sensing cable.  These hirose connectors are difficult to fit onto the cable correctly, and special care is taken to seal the connections so they are also resistant to chemical corrosion.  For these reasons, RLE does not recommend building your own chemical sensing cables, and does not sell these parts separately.

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