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Integrated Wireless Monitoring

The BMS-WiNG leverages RLE’s WiNG wireless sensor technology and allows it to integrate via protocols into any building management system (BMS) or alarm monitoring system.

Pair the BMS-WiNG with RLE’s WiNG wireless sensors to monitor a variety of conditions including temperature, humidity, dew point, and differential pressure, and integrate these sensor readings directly into a BMS or BAS.

What Sets The BMS-WiNG Apart?

  • Designed specifically for system integration, the BMS‑WiNG leverages robust protocol communications to communicate with any Modbus RTU or BACnet MS/TP system.
  • A suite of sensors with an industry-leading 12 year battery life allow users to monitor conditions including temperature, humidity, dew point, & liquid leaks.
  • Notifies users quickly when an alarm condition is met.
  • Available in 900MHz and 868MHz configurations for domestic U.S. and international installations.

Key Features

  • No user interface or separate software required – integrates directly with existing BMS and alarm monitoring systems.
  • Enclosure mounts in a panel, on a DIN rail, or on a wall.
  • All the advantages found in our WiNG wireless sensors, including:
    • Up to 12 year battery life
    • Transmission range up to 600’ line of sight
    • Packet transmission accuracy that exceeds 98%
  • Supports up to 50 WiNG sensors
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