• WiNG-ANLG (1)

A Near Meltdown It was the culmination of a year of frustration. John Dolinga, Telecommunications and Network Systems Analyst for the Cleveland Indians Major League Baseball team, had selected an environmental monitoring system for his facility. “We had been working with their support for over a year to configure alerting properly,” says Dolinga. “Eventually we … Continued

Taking Knives to Gun Fights You don’t buy a growler when you need a keg and you don’t drink pale ales after the first week of September (or is that wearing white after Labor Day?). Either way, understanding the specific needs of a given situation is the only way to customize your response to them. … Continued

by Cam Rogers Ah, BICSI Tampa.  The sun.  The surf.  The warm weather.  An engaging trade show that provides awesome leads.  What more can two sales guys from Colorado hope for in January? (Did we mention the warm(ish) weather?) RLE has purchased booth space at BICSI for quite a few years, and we’ve learned that … Continued

Penny Wealth (There’s A Point To This, We Promise) Here’s a little exercise that you’ve probably come across before: Take a penny. Double it. What do you have? Two cents, of course. Now double that two cents. What do you get? Four cents. (Exciting, right?) But here’s the beauty of it: keeping on doubling what … Continued

It’s BICSI time again – the 40th BICSI Conference and Exhibition will be held from January 20 – 24 in Tampa, Florida.  RLE has attended this conference for several years now, and we’re very excited to leave the Colorado deep freeze behind and head to sunny Florida.  But BICSI’s not just about sun and fun … Continued

An Environmental Evolution (without Darwin or finches) So, we’ve talked a little bit about RLE’s company mindset before, but here’s a brief recap of the story of RLE: In 1984, there was a little company that decided to try to do things right. Not because they were feeling particularly righteous that day. But they decided … Continued

What a great week for RLE! First, we hit a major revenue goal. Yep, that’s us, looking great and celebrating the record-setting shipment.  It’s so rewarding to see everyone pull together to hit a major goal. Smiles all around and quite a few “Cheers” in the process.           Now, we’re featured … Continued

As 2012 wraps up, we’re planning ahead for 2013.  One of our most important tasks this month – planning our 2013 trade show schedule.  Some of the key factors we kept in mind included: Where is the show located? We wanted to make sure we visited shows in a wide variety of geographic locations. We’re … Continued

People are more important than technology, even at tech conferences. Headline news, to be sure. But as RLE learned at the 2012 Fall BICSI Conference in Anaheim, California, perhaps the best conferences are those that don’t seem much like conferences at all. “It was just a casual atmosphere,” says Chris Pullen, RLE Technologies’ President and BICSI … Continued

There’s a gaping hole in some of the places Jeremy Swanner used to be. Though his wife and family report that Swanner has been seen sporadically, apparition-like, throughout the month of September, these appearances have been mainly confined to the weekends.  Reportedly, he spends his visits in the same patterns he followed prior to his … Continued

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