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Psychic Powers or Thorough Planning? Sometimes you can see problems before they hit.  Call it what you want – a sixth sense, clairvoyance, foresight – it’s invaluable.  And in no profession is this talent as beneficial as a critical facilities manager. If you are responsible for a facility with critical equipment and systems, foresight keeps … Continued

How is RLE like the IRS? Only in the best ways. Hopefully by now you’ve seen our recently released Leak Detection Risk Mitigation Checklist. If you haven’t, check it out. We’ve deliberately kept the checklist succinct and we really do think that the list covers everything that needs to be, well, checked. That said, a … Continued

Downtime Is Disastrous Business interruptions can be costly for companies whose livelihood depends on the continuous uptime of their mission-critical equipment and staff. According to Ontrack International, downtime costs can range from about $1M to $2.8M per hour depending on the industry, and water is one of the chief culprits. Further, water damage ranked second … Continued

We’ve got some good news and some bad news Here’s the bad news: Depending on your industry, the hourly costs of business downtime can be catastrophically high, not just in direct cost of lost business, but in the add-on costs of recovery, diminished employee morale, and eroded customer trust. Here’s the good news: 79% of … Continued

New exclusive program benefits that will help drive revenue and profitability for all! As we leap into a new year of nearly limitless opportunities, RLE Technologies is pleased to announce the launch of an all new Preferred Partner Program (P3) for select resellers. While we have enjoyed our great business relationship over the years, it … Continued

Better than a pound of cure The problem with small leaks isn’t that the drip-drip-drip gets monotonous. The problem with small leaks is that they rapidly become very large leaks indeed. And very large leaks can cause more damage than anyone might expect. So the trick to avoiding huge repairs and recovery isn’t to guard … Continued

Press Release FORT COLLINS – October 29, 2013 Every October, the city of Fort Collins faces a recurring, if brief infestation that cannot be contained by normal means. In response to the expressed concerns of city residents, the abandoned tunnels that underly the Old Town area have been outfitted with specialized equipment to alert and … Continued

The Reason Getting out of the office and interacting with our peers, partners, and potential customers – and seeing our products in action – are some of RLE’s favorite things to do. We have a pretty good grasp on what the general public needs in the way of facility monitoring and leak detection, but listening … Continued

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